What you need to know when working with tourists
Most opportunities in scuba diving employment are given in touristic destinations. After you finish the divemaster course, you can easily find a job in some dive center that arranges scuba diving for tourists. It might be surprisingly different from regular jobs in your homeland.
When working in tourism, we are not only teachers to the clients, but also entertainers. We need to transmit holiday mood to make the clients happy. The priority, of course, is to be professional and lead safe dives, but it's essential to let clients enjoy the experience and have fun. The idea to try scuba diving in a touristic place looks entertaining and amusing to them. They are on vacation and we need to make them feel happy and content with their diving experience. Always wear a smile and treat the clients friendly, make jokes and have fun yourself too. But every coin has two sides. We can’t let clients have an improper attitude towards scuba diving. They must respect the rules and follow the instructions of their diving guide to be safe. One of the most difficult challenges is to set up the boundaries. While diving must be entertaining for tourists, it must always stay safe.
Another important aspect is knowing different languages. The more languages you speak, the more job offers you will get. Valued languages include English, Spanish, German and French. Never stop working on yourself. Sign up for language courses. It will be a great investment in yourself. Diving centers in touristic places receive divers from all over the world, providing huge opportunities to practice different languages.
Touristic seasons differ in destinations. Some countries operate in winter or summer only. In places like Tenerife, we arrange scuba diving all year round, which is rare. In most destinations you work half a year and then take a long vacation or move to another country. If your dream is to travel around the world, a divemaster degree will help you achieve it.
Even though you face new challenges, you will love working in tourism and guiding divers of all nationalities. You will make new friends among colleagues and clients. When you travel, you will discover that you have friends in almost every part of the planet. Isn’t it fascinating?