How to make every customer happy?
To guarantee positive feedbacks of your clients you need to follow some easy steps. Even though some of these steps look obvious to you, believe us in real life most of the divemasters must be reminded of them from time to time. So learn from the very beginning how to do a good job and make your customers happy.
Be punctual. This rule can be applied actually to any area we you could ever work in. Being late to pick up the customers from their hotels gives immediately a very bad impression about you from the beginning. And even if the dives go perfectly well on that day, they can still have a doubtful opinion about you. So arrange yourself to never be late. And if due to some circumstances you are running late, remember to inform your clients about it in advance.
Be friendly. This is the key of good service. Even if you have a bad mood or you are deadly tired, nothing can be a reason to treat your clients unfriendly. You greet the clients with a smile and all day long you keep a friendly attitude towards the divers. People are different and you might encounter some gloomy unpleasant clients. That can’t change your attitude. Never stop being friendly.
Be professional. If the clients see that you lack some knowledge about your job, they won’t respect you as their guide. You need to learn your job to every single detail. Divemasters have a similar routine from day to day and you need to learn the daily procedures as soon as possible. Never stop learning. When you learn all the procedures of the dive center that concerns directly your everyday job, deepen your knowledge of scuba diving. Find extra sources where you can learn more information about physiology, diving techniques, famous divers, records, anything that might be of interest. When you have more knowledge than divers, they will always look up to you as a leader.
Be a leader. While you treat the clients in the friendliest way possible, you still have to be their leader. You need to handle the attention of the clients and make them listen to you when something needs to be done. They have to feel that you control the group. If some client doesn’t obey your instructions, you need to find a polite but firm way to make him listen to you. You cannot let the divers do whatever they want as it can put the whole group in danger. You are the leader and you must make the most important decisions.
Be patient. Never lose patience with the clients. Some of your students won’t be easy to teach scuba diving to. Some will think that they know better than you. There could be so many different situations, when your patience will be challenged. But never (never!) you can be rude to the client. You represent the company that you work in and you always have to stay positive.